Connecting Travelers across the world in a new, innovative, and interactive way!


Interplace provides travelers across the globe with the means to visually document and share their lifetime experiences with their ever-growing network of fellow travelers. Users can share and document these experiences through an interactive feed and map, and they can even discover trending countries, cities, landmarks, events, users and more! Each user is also able to categorize all of their content by countries, cities, and landmarks they have seen, along with events they have attended! Users gain accolades as they travel, more and more!


About Interplace


Interplace was started by passionate travelers with the goal in mind to create a platform that enables and encourages people across the globe to see their travel ambitions through, by discovering and visiting new places, meeting, connecting, and traveling with friends of new and old, experiencing other cultures, and providing users with the visuals to see their progress over the years! Interplace is the app for travelers documenting their lifetime achievements!

Features that make Interplace different

Interactive Map

Our interactive map gives users the ability to see where everyone in their network, including themselves, has traveled to, along with all their pictures and videos they posted in each location!

Trending Content

Our explore page produces trending content within our app, giving users the ability to discover the trendiest countries, cities, landmarks, events, and users in the world!

Categorized Content

With each individual user comes their own profile page with categorized content! This gives users the necessary visuals to see their progress on the number of countries and US States they have visited, cities they have stayed in, events they have attended, and so much more!

Frequently Asked Questions


Yes, Interplace is entirely free of charge! Enjoy and share the app with your friends, family, and fellow travelers for free!

Interplace is focused on connecting people across the globe, to encourage travel for a lifetime! There are so many incredible places to see, cultures to learn about, and friends to make! Interplace's mission is to foster all of these experiences through sharing posts, trending locations and events, and personal accolades!

If you don't like to travel, no worries at all! This app may not be for you, but it is open to all! However, we promise that if you use Interplace, you will discover new countries, cities, people, places of interest, and events that you never would have before! Travel teaches so much about our world and humanity. But if it is not your thing, no worries at all!

Yes, you can! Posts can be made private, if you desire! However, we strongly encourage you to make your posts public, so that you can fully experience Interplace, by making friends with fellow travelers and helping them to discover new places!

Interplace is not yet on the App Store! Interplace is also Apple iOS only, so if you have an iPhone, you are eligible! If you have an Android phone, unfortunately, Interplace will not yet be available to you, are focused on iOS for now. If you feel like Interplace would be a great fit for you, whether you are a study abroad student, a polished traveler, or you are just getting started, fill out this form with your contact information, and tell us why you want to join Interplace! We will review it, and if you are a good fit, we will give you access to Interplace! If not, that's okay, too! Interplace will soon be available for all!

Interplace is currently in a private, Beta testing phase. It is not available to the public, yet! It is hard to put a timeline on when Interplace will be released. It could be a few months, it could be a year. If you feel like Interplace would be a great fit for you, whether you are a study abroad student, a polished traveler, or you are just getting started, fill out this form with your contact information, and tell us why you want to join Interplace! We will review it, and if you are a good fit, we will give you access to Interplace! If not, that's okay, too! Interplace will soon be available for all!

Please, tell fellow passionate travelers, whether they are friends, family, or people you hardly know or just met! Every user that joins is valued and appreciated by our team! We are nothing without our users! As for investment, we are currently wrapping up our Pre-Seed Round. Soon, we will be moving forward to our Seed Round of Venture Capital Investment. If are interested in investing, have a vision for Interplace, and want to contribute to its growth, contact Charlie Kinnett by email at

The App is a social media App to connect travelers across the world in a new, innovative, and interactive way